Please find a list of frequently asked questions which we hope are helpful.
FAQs Couples Planning Their Wedding
Yes children are welcome.
Please check with individual exhibitors regarding photography.
During normal times there isn’t a limit to the number of guest’s that can attend, however (during Covid) and to keep everyone safe whilst maintaining social distancing it is advisable to book online. Should you arrive without booking, with regret you may need to queue prior to admission.
No, there’s no need to pay, entry is free to all our wedding fairs.
Most of our fairs close between 3pm and 4pm. Please look up the particular wedding fair if you’re unsure since times can vary.
Local wedding fairs bring together leading local experts who are familiar with local wedding venues, churches etc. they’re often able to provide unique advice that you might not have considered.
Normally you can turn-up on the day, however in order to help us plan, booking in advance is advisable but no essential.
FAQS Exhibitors
At WedExUk we pride ourselves on locating all stands in prominent positions. It isn’t possible to book a specific slot however if you contact sales they will keep any specific requirements in mind
With regret packing-up early is not allowed, doing so can affect other exhibitors around you possibly losing them custom whilst pushing passed the public with boxes etc is a no-no!
With regret promoting other products and services which do not relate to your business is not allowed.
Stands my not be resold or shared without the permission of WedExUK
Full set-up details can be viewed in your admin hub.
A booking confirmation will be emailed so please check SPAM
Remember booking a wedding fair is a business commitment just liking accepting a booking for a wedding. All balances must be paid four weeks prior to the event, should you not turn-up on the day both the deposit and the balance are non refundable.
There’s no charge for electricity which is provided.
There's absolutely no need to take this out. It's purely a product that we're offering for peace of mind. Without it, should you not be able to attend a particular wedding fair and have to cancel a booking, our standard terms and conditions apply. Please read clause 3.
On the day, please visit your admin hub and contact the emergency number? Prior to the event please contact our sales department, they often have solutions that you might not have considered or been aware of. Note with regret four weeks prior the balance will be due.
All stands with an outstanding payment 4 weeks prior are automatically offered for resale on our website (please see our terms and conditions when you booked). Note your deposit is non-refundable.
Refunding deposits is a very time consuming activity which isn't free of charge to WedEXUK. To cancel a booking involves a large amount of administration including setting up the payment refund. Often the bank or credit card company makes a small charge for handling refunds too. The extra fee helps to off-set some of these costs.
FAQs Wedding Venues
Thank you for registering your venue with WedExUK, one of our project team will be in touch with you very soon.